"The Chronicles of a Country Parish" - A village appraisal of Sulgrave published in 1995

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The Red Cross celebrated its 50 Year Jubilee in Northamptonshire in 1990/91 when it started an appeal to raise £600,000 with which to build a centre in Northampton to house its Day Welfare and Training Centre and offices.

Northamptonshire was divided into six areas. Each was asked to raise £50,000. South Northants was run by Dr. Benedict Fenwick from Whittlebury who, with her committee, decided to approach each village to raise £1000. In the event this was not followed up with sufficient vigour and Sulgrave was the only village to reach its target thanks to enthusiastic support from all sides.

Four events were organised: - a supper party at Sulgrave House on March 16th which raised £648.90, two First-Aid Courses hosted by Dr. Michael Parker at the Old Vicarage on March 21st and May 9th made £153.20 and £205.00 respectively, a jumble sale held and organised by the Sulgrave Youth Club made £102.82, and a coffee evening given by Mr Rodney Henn achieved £155.00 making a total of £1264.42 raised by Sulgrave. Due to the worst recession since the war the appeal closed at just over £100,000, of which South Northants raised £14,000.

Suglrave did exceptionally well and deserves special praise.